Problems with Ghostscript 10.04.0 Im using ghoscritpt to generate ZugFerd-invoices. Ghostscript 10.04.04 produces invalid ZugFerd-invoces. Ghostscript 10.03.1 did produce valid !! ZugFerd-Invoices, but Ghostscript 10.03.1 has problems with German Umlauts, see [Bug 707918] - Ghostscript - In PDFwriter german umlaut for u = ü is missing in monospache fonts. These problem is solved in GS 10.04.0 but now we have the problem, that the by GS 10.04.0 created ZugFerd-File is not valid. As validation Tool i´m using Mustang-CLI-2.15.0.jar, which is part of the Mustang project ( Are there any suggestions, to solve this problem. Many thanks and best Regards Guenter
If you open a bug report you need to attach a specimen file and the means to reproduce the problem. Without that there is no means for anyone to verify whether the problem is real, and whether it is, or can be, fixed. Without that I cannto be certain but I am reasonably sure this is a duplicate. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 708066 ***