I've got it 2 times, but still not sure whether it is reproducible. Command line : F:\AFPL\MLC2\c-opt64-time>..\..\gs-hdp64\bin\gswin32c.exe -IF:/AFPL/gs- hdp64/Resource/Init;f:\afpl\fonts -r600 -dMaxBitmap=100000000 -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dNOOUTERSAVE -sDEVICE=ppmraw - sOutputFile=nul -c false 0 startjob p op /ttt usertime def -f - -c usertime ttt sub (newtime=) print == quit 0<H:\AuxFiles\doc\Adobe\pdf_reference_ 1-7.pdf 1>>cur-1.log 2>>cur-2.log running on Vista 64. Stack snapshot at the crash point : > gsdll32.dll!names_trace_finish(name_table_s * nt=0x00000000026a0038, gc_state_s * gcst=0x000000000006e4e0) Line 418 + 0x5 bytes C gsdll32.dll!gs_gc_reclaim(vm_spaces_s * pspaces=0x00000000026d7170, int global=0x00000001) Line 373 C gsdll32.dll!context_reclaim(vm_spaces_s * pspaces=0x00000000026d7170, int global=0x00000001) Line 286 C gsdll32.dll!gs_vmreclaim(gs_dual_memory_s * dmem=0x00000000026d7168, int global=0x00000001) Line 154 C gsdll32.dll!ireclaim(gs_dual_memory_s * dmem=0x00000000026d7168, int space=0x00000008) Line 76 C gsdll32.dll!interp_reclaim(gs_context_state_s * * pi_ctx_p=0x00000000028351d8, int space=0x00000008) Line 427 + 0x18 bytes C gsdll32.dll!gs_call_interp(gs_context_state_s * * pi_ctx_p=0x00000000028351d8, ref_s * pref=0x000000000006eb70, int user_errors=0x00000001, int * pexit_code=0x000000000006ec60, ref_s * perror_object=0x000000000006ec50) Line 531 + 0x3e bytes C gsdll32.dll!gs_interpret(gs_context_state_s * * pi_ctx_p=0x00000000028351d8, ref_s * pref=0x000000000006eb70, int user_errors=0x00000001, int * pexit_code=0x000000000006ec60, ref_s * perror_object=0x000000000006ec50) Line 455 + 0x2c bytes C gsdll32.dll!gs_main_interpret(gs_main_instance_s * minst=0x0000000002835150, ref_s * pref=0x000000000006eb70, int user_errors=0x00000001, int * pexit_code=0x000000000006ec60, ref_s * perror_object=0x000000000006ec50) Line 215 + 0x2c bytes C gsdll32.dll!gs_main_run_string_end(gs_main_instance_s * minst=0x0000000002835150, int user_errors=0x00000001, int * pexit_code=0x000000000006ec60, ref_s * perror_object=0x000000000006ec50) Line 528 C gsdll32.dll!gs_main_run_string_with_length(gs_main_instance_s * minst=0x0000000002835150, const char * str=0x00000001807df380, unsigned int length=0x00000009, int user_errors=0x00000001, int * pexit_code=0x000000000006ec60, ref_s * perror_object=0x000000000006ec50) Line 486 C gsdll32.dll!gs_main_run_string(gs_main_instance_s * minst=0x0000000002835150, const char * str=0x00000001807df380, int user_errors=0x00000001, int * pexit_code=0x000000000006ec60, ref_s * perror_object=0x000000000006ec50) Line 469 C gsdll32.dll!run_string(gs_main_instance_s * minst=0x0000000002835150, const char * str=0x00000001807df380, int options=0x00000002) Line 798 + 0x27 bytes C gsdll32.dll!swproc(gs_main_instance_s * minst=0x0000000002835150, const char * arg=0x0000000002575d3b, arg_list_s * pal=0x000000000006f240) Line 267 + 0x1a bytes C gsdll32.dll!gs_main_init_with_args(gs_main_instance_s * minst=0x0000000002835150, int argc=0x0000001d, char * * argv=0x00000000023ae8b0) Line 200 + 0x1a bytes C gsdll32.dll!gsapi_init_with_args(void * lib=0x0000000002835050, int argc=0x0000001d, char * * argv=0x00000000023ae8b0) Line 168 C gswin32c.exe!main(int argc=0x0000001b, char * * argv=0x0000000002575b80) Line 417 + 0x19 bytes C gswin32c.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 327 + 0x19 bytes C gswin32c.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 196 C kernel32.dll!00000000774e495d() [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll] ntdll.dll!0000000077618791()
Removed USE_MEMSET from the bug title because it is unrelevant.
Patch to HEAD : http://ghostscript.com/pipermail/gs-cvs/2008-October/008753.html The patchy closes the bug. I'm leaving this report open for Support to check whether it closes other similar bugs. IMO we have got something similar, but I'm not sure.
We don't have any other crash bugs.
*** Bug 690111 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***