Bug 687743 - "Assertion Failed" error
Summary: "Assertion Failed" error
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 687241
Alias: None
Product: Ghostscript
Classification: Unclassified
Component: PS Interpreter (show other bugs)
Version: 8.14
Hardware: PC Windows 2000
: P2 normal
Assignee: Jack Moffitt
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-10-08 12:12 UTC by Chris McFarling
Modified: 2007-12-13 12:55 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Word Size: ---

DR.eps.bz2 (6.49 MB, application/octet-stream)
2004-10-08 15:08 UTC, Alex Cherepanov

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Chris McFarling 2004-10-08 12:12:28 UTC
"Assertion Failed" error

Program: C:\gs\gs8.14\bin\gswin32c.exe
File: .\src\gxccman.c
Line: 576
Expression: cc->pair==pair

I get this error when attempting to process this file:
(ZIPed Illustrator EPS file)

The error only occurs with certain options. This command will cause the error:

gswin32c.exe -q -sDEVICE=psdcmyk -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r150x150 -
sOutputFile=C:\gs_output.psd "C:\DR.eps"

while these commands will process just fine:

gswin32c.exe -q -sDEVICE=psdcmyk -dTextAlphaBits=4 -
sOutputFile=C:\gs_output.psd "C:\DR.eps"

gswin32c.exe -q -sDEVICE=psdcmyk -r150x150 -
sOutputFile=C:\gs_output.psd "C:\DR.eps"

So it appears that a combination of "-dTextAlphaBits" and "-r" is the root of 
the problem. Most EPS files process with no problems. This particular one uses 
a non-standard font, which may or may not be contributing to the problem:

%%DocumentFonts: HiraKakuPro-W3-83pv-RKSJ-H
%%DocumentNeededFonts: HiraKakuPro-W3-83pv-RKSJ-H

It looks like this error has been bugged before and that it was fixed. I tried 
8.15 and got he same results however.
Comment 1 Alex Cherepanov 2004-10-08 15:08:36 UTC
Created attachment 956 [details]

Local copy of the file, repacked.
Comment 2 Alex Cherepanov 2004-10-08 18:00:54 UTC
I confirm that the problem exists in v. 8.14.
The problem is fixed in v. 8.15 and up. Please upgrade.
This bug report is a duplicate of the bug 687241.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 687241 ***