Created attachment 7720 [details] - The file whose images get turned to black boxes See The user has attached a PostScript file (generated by Poppler, attached) and if he converts this PostScript file to PDF with this command line gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=a.pdf -f a.pdf has black boxes instead of the images. The user has GS 9.01 and I can reproduce it with 9.04 (I think the snapshot is from July 15).
Created attachment 7721 [details] a.pdf - The output file as I get it
Downgrading severity, this has apparently been a problem for a long time, is not a regression and does not affect a commercial customer.
(In reply to comment #2) > Downgrading severity, this has apparently been a problem for a long time, is > not a regression and does not affect a commercial customer. This appears to be an Acrobat bug. Ghostscript, Jaws and the Apple PDF viewer all display the resulting PDF correctly. MuPDF, like Acrobat, displays a black rectangle but this is a known limitation of MuPDF which, in its current version, does not handle Type 3 font glyphs which use colour. It seems Acrobat suffers the same limitation at least for glyphs using colour images. It is possible that there is a pdfwrite bug here, but 3 PDF interpreters with no common heritage all give the same correct answer, Acrobat is odd man out, so I think its an Acrobat bug
The Poppler-based (AFAIK) evince also shows the black boxes, whereas (strangely enough) xpdf displays the file correctly.
Some more information for others having this problem... As and and my report all remark, printing from Linux Firefox and SeaMonkey to cups-pdf also triggers this bug for some people. Instead just File > Print > Print to File as PDF. Firefox+Cairo creates a PDF 1.5 file (that previews fine in all PDF interpreters I've tried), then cups/cups-pdf transforms this to PostScript and then back into PDF 1.4. (Seems a lot of work for nothing, I will look for a cups bug.) So another workaround is to hold the print job, look in /var/spool/cups/ (as root) for the input PDF file, and just use that. The problematic PDFs have black images in Linux Inkscape 0.48.1 as well as in Adobe Reader (9.4.2 for Linux, Reader X for Windows). They preview OK in Okular and Windows' Foxit Reader.