Fails: gsc -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffsep -sOutputFile=temp_tmp -r25 -c '<< /SeparationColorNames [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /(9116) /(5150) /(1455) /(3068) /Die /Varnish ] /SeparationOrder [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /9116 /5150 /1455 /(3068) ] >> setpagedevice' -f /storage/archive/02900PAP600.pdf Works: gsc -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffsep -sOutputFile=temp_tmp -r25 -c '<< /SeparationColorNames [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /(9116) /(5150) /(1455) /(3068) /Die /Varnish ] /SeparationOrder [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /9116 /5150 /1455 /3068 ] >> setpagedevice' -f /storage/archive/02900PAP600.pdf For some reason putting parentheses around color names in SeparationOrder causes the separation limit to be triggered even when only 8 are specified in SeparationOrder.
Broken: gsc -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffsep -sOutputFile=temp1 -r25 -c '<< /SeparationColorNames [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /(9116) /(5150) /(1455) /(3068) /Die /Varnish ] /SeparationOrder [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /(9116) /(5150) ] >> setpagedevice' -f /storage/archive/02900PAP600.pdf %%SeparationName: %%SeparationName: 9116 %%SeparationName: %%SeparationName: 5150 %%SeparationName: %%SeparationName: 1455 %%SeparationName: %%SeparationName: 3068 %%SeparationName: Die %%SeparationName: Varnish -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 150886 Jun 30 11:50 temp1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:50 temp1.Black.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:50 temp1.Cyan.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:50 temp1.Magenta.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:50 temp1.s0.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:50 temp1.s1.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:50 temp1.s3.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:50 temp1.Yellow.tif Correct: gsc -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffsep -sOutputFile=temp1 -r25 -c '<< /SeparationColorNames [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /9116 /5150 /1455 /3068 /Die /Varnish ] /SeparationOrder [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /9116 /5150 ] >> setpagedevice' -f /storage/archive/02900PAP600.pdf %%SeparationName: 9116 %%SeparationName: 5150 %%SeparationName: 1455 %%SeparationName: 3068 %%SeparationName: Die %%SeparationName: Varnish -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:54 temp1.Black.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:54 temp1.Cyan.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:54 temp1.Magenta.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:54 temp1.s0.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:54 temp1.s1.tif -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadm sysadm 37966 Jun 30 11:54 temp1.Yellow.tif
Don't use parentheses with /color. It's one or the other.
For spot color names, use either parenthesis (i.e a PostScript string) or a leading slash (i.e. a PostScript name). Do not do both for a single colorant. Thus << /SeparationColorNames [ (Dark Blue) (Light Green) /2620 ] >> would be valid.