We've got bug #293179 at the Debian Bug Tracking System. We could the problem trace down to the different shape of the quoteleft character in the fonts ucrr8a.pfb (coming from teTeX) and n022003l.pfb (coming from gs). We guess the bug is sitting in the gsfonts as the shape of the regular font quoteleft char differs significantly from the the quoteleft char in the bold, italic etc. versions of the same font family. The latter is visible using fontforge or similar tools. Using the t1diff tool (http://www.kammer.uni-hannover.de/~reinhard/texps/t1diff/t1diff.html) will show more differences between both fonts, but the others are not that important. Regards, Hilmar
Created attachment 1294 [details] shows the difference of the quoteleft char
Created attachment 1316 [details] patch for t1diff gs has problems processing PS-files generated by t1diff. According to Ralf Stubner this is a problem with the CR chars in the PS-file. This file should fix t1diff.
Since there are several open problems with the URW fonts, we probably need to maintain our own tree of FontForge source files. Ralph will create the repository, then assign this to Raph for fixing it.
I fixed it locally, so fix will be available with a new snapshot of gs-fonts.
I believe this is fixed with the latest URW font release: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commit;h=ea9a9517