Bug 688957

Summary: character in MS comic sans cut to narow
Product: Ghostscript Reporter: jernej srebrni&#269; <jernej.srebrnic>
Component: Font APIAssignee: leonardo <leonardo>
Severity: normal CC: htl10
Priority: P4    
Version: 8.50   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Linux   
Customer: Word Size: ---
Attachments: wrong render in Kghostview using ghostview 8.15
the right render with kpdf
test doc. for the screen shots

Description jernej srebrni&#269; 2006-10-26 22:43:21 UTC
wide characters are not display completely. they are cut at the right side.
Comment 1 jernej srebrni&#269; 2006-10-26 22:47:42 UTC
Created attachment 2555 [details]
wrong render in Kghostview using ghostview 8.15

wrong render in Kghostview using ghostview 8.15
Comment 2 jernej srebrni&#269; 2006-10-26 22:48:55 UTC
Created attachment 2556 [details]
the right render with kpdf

the right render with kpdf
Comment 3 jernej srebrni&#269; 2006-10-26 22:52:10 UTC
Created attachment 2557 [details]
test doc. for the screen shots

test doc. for the screen shots. the screen shots are from page 2 middle of the
Comment 4 jernej srebrni&#269; 2006-10-26 22:54:42 UTC
retested on kubuntu 6.10 with ghostscript 8.50 and the problem persists...
Comment 5 Dan Coby 2006-10-30 15:30:41 UTC
Using Ghostscript (without using Kghostview) the file looks correct with 8.15, 
8.50 and 8.54.
Comment 6 jernej srebrni&#269; 2006-10-31 10:56:55 UTC
i used kgostview beacuse my print on paper was wrong. printing is done throught
CUPS. as i understend CUPS uses ghostscript for rendering. the problem was
consistent in kgost view.
i had this problem for a few yers now. (mandriva, suse, k/ubuntu ...) 
maybe the additional MS fonts are not install in a mener to be usefull to ghostview.

where should i look up for info on ghostview and fonts?
how did you try to reproduce? (i wod like to test it on may systems to find the
thank you for your time.
Comment 7 Hin-Tak Leung 2006-11-01 11:41:19 UTC
Reproduced the visual appearance of the problem mentioned with 
"ESP Ghostscript 8.15.2 (2006-04-19)" with both gv and kghostview.

FWIW, kghostview runs ghostscript with these options (snooping in /proc, so 
the args-breaking might be wrong):
gs -sDEVICE=x11 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 -dMaxBitmap=10000000 \
-c "<< /PermitFileReading [ InputFile ] /PermitFileWriting [] /PermitFileControl
[] >> setuserparams .locksafe" \

I know testing with ESP releases and old releases are not right, but I 
just upgraded to fc6 this morning and had to take AFPL 8.54 off temporarily 
to avoid conflict during the upgrade.

Will retest with AFPL 8.54 later and come back to this.
Comment 8 Hin-Tak Leung 2006-11-01 11:43:07 UTC
FWIW, (with ESP gs 8.15.2)
"gs -sDEVICE=x11 <file>" on its own also show the problem on page 
two where the screen shoot mentioned was taken, if one look at the 
captical "M" particularly.

Will try with AGPL 8.54 later.
Comment 9 Hin-Tak Leung 2006-11-02 11:48:52 UTC
On the same system, ESP 8.15.2 (64-bit) shows the problem, and AFPL 8.54 
(both 32-bit and 64-bit) does not. Granted my AFPL 8.54 has a few 
post-release patches, so I suggest the initial poster to upgrade to 
AFPL or GPL 8.54, and/or to the head.

It might be a ESP-release-only bug, so it could be useful if Dan or Igor 
with stock GPL/AFPL 8.14/8.15 to recheck 8.14/8.15 for middle of page 2, 
in particular the "M" in "TEME" where the screenshots came from.

Initial poster: some of cups's functionality depends on ESP-only modifications,
so there is a chance that after upgrade, you fix your viewing problem but 
you stop being able to print through cups (for some printer models). 
Ask your distro to help you if that's the case.

Resolving it back to "WORKFORME". Sorry for re-opening it yesterday.
Comment 10 Till Kamppeter 2007-05-20 14:48:29 UTC
The attached file works for me with the current subversion snapshot of
Ghostscript. So the bug seems to be fixed, at least from version 8.60 on.