Bug 689885

Summary: Feature Request for runtime selectable cups raster write mode
Product: Ghostscript Reporter: Heino Goldenstein <heino.goldenstein>
Component: CUPS driverAssignee: Hin-Tak Leung <htl10>
Severity: enhancement CC: till.kamppeter
Priority: P4    
Version: 0.00   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Customer: Word Size: ---
Attachments: rastertoidol

Description Heino Goldenstein 2008-06-09 03:52:15 UTC

till recently we used the rastertohp filter to create ppds. But to be
able to support all features of cups-raster, and to prevent an extra
layer of recoding in an cups-filter, we implemented an emulation in
our printer language (IDOL) to interpret the cups-raster-file-format
For an example see rastertoidol and mps33e.ppd.
The ghostscript cups-raster driver output is currently hardcoded to
raster version 3.
Because of the uncompressed image data, larger pagesizes (e.g.
17" x 24" at 300dpi monochrome) require relative large bandwith for
the transfer from the CUPS server to the printer even if the page
contains only few monochrome information.
With the attached gdevcups.c.cups_raster_write_compressed.patch the
cups-raster driver is hardcoded to output compressed raster version 2.
Depending on the contend of the pageimage (e.g big dithered areas
result in larger compressed data then even uncompressed) it would
be better to have an option in the ppd to be able to select the
cups raster write mode on demand.
In respect to interoperability with other cups-filters the one-line
patch is even a dirty hack. An ppd option solution would not impact
any other devices.

Do you have any thoughts?

Many thanks in advance.
Comment 1 Heino Goldenstein 2008-06-09 03:53:59 UTC
Created attachment 4084 [details]

cups-raster to IDOL filter
Comment 2 Heino Goldenstein 2008-06-09 03:55:28 UTC
Created attachment 4085 [details]

example ppd for new printer
Comment 3 Heino Goldenstein 2008-06-09 03:56:26 UTC
Created attachment 4086 [details]

dirty hack patch to verify functionality
Comment 4 Hin-Tak Leung 2010-07-05 04:04:55 UTC
I am not sure what the reporter is asking for - if he is asking if 
the hack CUPS_RASTER_WRITE/CUPS_RASTER_WRITE_COMPRESSED will break other cups devices, I don't think anybody is spending any time doing that test. As for make it possible to do compressed raster version 2 and for making it runtime selectable, the cups device supports a "cupsCompression" option, which can probably be used for that purpose, but it does not seems to be hooked up to any internal machinery at the moment.

The pdftoraster tool seems to run with -dcupsCompression=...

The original reporter is well-comed to submit a well-tested patch, but until then, it is unlikely for anybody to be spending much time on this request. Please re-open if such a patch is available.

Till : can you comment on what the cupsCompression option does (and whether it has any effect)?
Comment 5 Hin-Tak Leung 2010-07-05 04:09:06 UTC
Till : can you comment on what the cupsCompression option does (and whether it
has any effect)?
Comment 6 Till Kamppeter 2010-07-05 12:22:27 UTC
Hin-Tak, what is asked for here is whether the CUPS Raster output device should generate the uncompressed CUPS Raster format or the compressed one.

I have forwarded this question to the CUPS mailing list for discussion now.
Comment 7 Heino Goldenstein 2010-07-05 17:28:30 UTC
to explain the request a little bit more:

This is the situation now for e.g. ps data and PCL printer:
      | ---------------          ------------- |           ---------
----> || pstoraster    | -----> | rastertohp  || -------> | Printer |
print || (cups-raster) | ver. 3 | (PCL)       || ethernet | (PCL)   |
data  || ver. 1 or     |        | generate    || link to   ---------
      || ver. 2 or     |        | Page-       || printer
      || ver. 3        |        | Description ||
      | ---------------          ------------- | PCL-stream
      | CUPS-SERVER                            |

As pstoraster and rastertohp reside on the same host cups-raster
version 3 is the right thing to do (tm). Compression in pstoraster and
decompression in rastertohp as interchangeformat (cups-raster version 2)
will decrease the performance since the connection between the both
drivers should be reasonable fast. The PCL-stream can be compressed
to get the best performance over the ethernet link.
This can be controlled for rastertohp with the "cupsCompression" parameter
in the ppd.

This is our situation for e.g. ps data and IDOL-Printer with cups-raster emulation:
Since the rastertoidol script is mainly only a copy operation of the cups-raster
data, the data is transferred over the ethernet link as is. For large pagesizes
the ethernet bandwith is an aspect for the performance. So the right thing to
do (tm) here is to use cups-raster version 2.
The code to do this is already there. To prove this I created the patch in

      | ---------------          --------------- |           ---------------
----> || pstoraster    | -----> | rastertoidol  || -------> | IDOL-Printer  |
print || (cups-raster) | ver. 2 | (cups-raster) || ethernet | (cups-raster) |
data  || ver. 1 or     |        |  cat "FILE"   || link to  | ver. 1 or     |
      || ver. 2 or     |         --------------- | printer  | ver. 2 or     |
      || ver. 3        |                         |          | ver. 3        |
      | ---------------                          |           ---------------
      | CUPS-SERVER                              | cups-raster-stream
             |  *.ppd 
       | ...                              |
       | *cupsRasterWriteCompressed: True |
       | ...                              |

Because the hardcoded value for the cups-raster format only either the
IDOL-Printer or the rastertohp will be working at best performance.
The right thing to do (tm) here is to have a parameter defined for
the ppd to be able to set it for the requested printer. 
Since I don`t know the source of the ghostscript code very well I started
this RFC to get any pointers how to start, but there was no response
till now.
Maybe it is even better to have a parameter to set the used cups-raster

So the only missing part is having a ppd parameter and make the line
from the patch in comment#3 depending on it. The default has to be
set to output cups-raster version 3.

Do you have any thoughts?

Many thanks in advance.
Comment 8 Till Kamppeter 2010-07-14 21:30:53 UTC
Fixed in SVN rev 11508. Please test.

By default, nothing changes, the "cups" output device produces uncompressed CUPS Raster version 3 output. This way we are backward compatible.

If you want to have compressed CUPS Raster version 2 output, for example for a native CUPS Raster printer, add the line

*cupsRasterVersion: 2

to the PPD file (if you edit the PPD file in /etc/cups/ppd/ for testing, do not forget to restart CUPS).

This should not only help for your printers but also for the case that the planned IPP Everywhere standard will support CUPS Raster printers.
Comment 9 Heino Goldenstein 2010-07-16 10:50:41 UTC
I have not a current development environment for ghostscript set up, so I have
ported your changes of gdevcups.c back to the version I used while doing my
investigations (see: ghostscript-cupsRasterVersion.patch).
All tests done till now are working as expected.

As you can see by the file sizes it makes quite a difference if compression is
used or not.

-rw------- 1 lp lp  547281 Jul 16 09:47 testpage-A4-600dpi.cups-raster-v2
-rw------- 1 lp lp 4352362 Jul 16 09:50 testpage-A4-600dpi.cups-raster-v3

Now I can include the line: "*cupsRasterVersion: 2" in our ppds as old  versions
will silently ignore it and if ghostscript 9.0 will be released the right things
will happen without further intervention.
Compatibility is preserved in all combinations, old versions will continue to
work with which ever cups-raster version is used and if cups-raster version 2
is selectable it will be used.
In worst case scenarios, where compression deliver bigger sizes than uncompressed,
it is possible to modify the line to use cups-raster version 3.

As I did not know the internals of the code base well enough I could not come up
with a patch from scratch. Thank you very much for implementing this.
Comment 10 Heino Goldenstein 2010-07-16 10:52:29 UTC
Created attachment 6495 [details]
Comment 11 Till Kamppeter 2010-07-16 15:08:11 UTC
Heino, this will now only accelerate printing PostScript and PDF files under Linux. If you want to directly print images to CUPS, the imagetoraster filter is used instead of Ghostscript. So you need to ask the CUPS project (http://www.cups.org/str.php) for compressed CUPS raster support in imagetoraster.
Comment 12 Heino Goldenstein 2010-07-18 10:46:38 UTC
Till, I am aware of this. But printing photorealistic images on a black
and white printer will end up in a dithered raster image. For the used
compression algorithm a chessboard pattern is a worst case scenario
where the compressed data is even  bigger than the uncompressed data.
I like to do some investigation before I file the RFE to be sure it
is really an enhancement and will not turn into a regression.
Maybe the best thing to do is to stay allways with uncompressed data
for image printing.

For PostScript and PDF this is no problem because pure photorealistic
image printing is usually a corner use case. The main page content is
like the CUPS test page (document printing) where the compression
does a good job.
If my understanding is right, the *cupsRasterVersion attribute can
only changed by modifying the ppd. 
Maybe it is even better to have something like this in the ppd:
*OpenUI *Datatransfer: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10.0 AnySetup *Datatransfer
*DefaultDatatransfer: Compressed
*Datatransfer Compressed/Compressed: "*cupsRasterVersion: 2"
*Datatransfer Uncompressed/Not Compressed: "*cupsRasterVersion: 3"
*CloseUI: *Datatransfer
The default can then be set to the main use case and the corner
case can be selected on demand.
But I don`t know if this is possible.